Cong creating wedge between regions
 Congress is creating a wedge between the two regions by axing the State for political reasons while N Chandrababu Naidu has been unable to digest the unflinching support and response YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has been getting despite being away from the people for the past 16 months.
“For the sake of few seats and the sole intention of seeing Rahul Gandhi as Prime Minister, Congress has created a wedge between the two regions through bifurcation of the State while the inefficient Chief Minister remained a mute witness and a wily Opposition leader N Chandrababu Naidu has extended open support to Delhi to expedite the process.
But YSR Congress is with the people and demands that the State should be united as the Centre has failed to deliver justice to both the regions in the required measure,” Sharmila said while addressing a huge public meeting here on Wednesday as part of the Samaikhya Sankharavam.
“Andhra Pradesh which gave the maximum number of seats to the UPA is now getting a raw deal from the Centre and the Congress has a political agenda to fulfill at the cost of people’s sentiments and deprivation of various resources to one region.
Had the Chief Minister immediately resigned after Digvijay Singh had announced the CWC decision to birfurcate the State and persuaded other Congress leader to follow suit, the situation would have been different and the process of division would have been stalled long back.
But he has political ambitions and is after power which he did not earn by merit.   
Equally responsible for the division is leader of opposition N Chandrababu Naidu, who had given an unconditional letter supporting the Congress in the process of dividing the State. He has been extending support to Congress since long, targeting YS Jagan Mohan Reddy.
“Naidu has been using his lung power over a period of time that there is a misappropriation of huge amount running in to multiple crores of rupees by YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. This theory has been his invention and when nothing could be proved his outcry is now as to why even a single rupee was not recovered.
The reason is simple. Not a single rupee is recovered as the charges are false and concocted. TDP and Congress have conspired to keep Jagan away from the people and implicated him in false cases. The actual ire of Naidu is that the support base of YS Jagan Mohan Reddy did not erode even though he is jail for the past 16 months,” she said
Though he has given his full nod for the creation of the State, he has hit the road in the name of Atma Gowrava Yatra and people have to ask him as what his stand is on Seemandhra.
Reiterating that the Seemandhra region will turn into a desert if the State is divided as the water resources will dry up and the capital issue is very hard to resolve, she said Congress is committing a blunder by dividing the State.
YSR Congress is for a united state and demands the Centre to review its decision of bifurcation as it has not right to divide the State when it cannot provide justice to both regions.
Recalling the term of YSR, she said he had launched welfare schemes like Aarogyasri, fees reimbursement, pavala vaddi and the like which have benefitted many sections of the society.
Without imposing any taxes or increasing fares and tariffs, he carried out all development activities while the present Congress government has reversed the process, she said. 

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